The Rabbi, The Priest and The Muslim

Time to get up on my religious soap box!

Just read this blog regarding a piece of art based from Spanish artist Eugenio Merino:

Now, the essence of this piece is at the bottom is a Muslim bent over praying, on his back is a Christian priest kneeling in prayer and standing on his shoulders is a rabbi praying. They all have prayer books, but not their own. The Rabbi has the Koran, Priest the Torah and the Muslim the bible.

To my mind, it’s a thought provoking piece. I look at it as the fact that all three religions worship the same God (true, through different paths) and this piece is simply showing that we are all aiming in the same direction. But, of course, people instantly look for who it will offend and in this day and age, who can blame them when cartoons are causing riots, the arrest of a nations leaders son cause for Jihad to be called against an entire country (yes, Mr. Gaddafi wants to destroy Switzerland! and simple comments can cause such outrage! Good job Monty Python created “Life of Brian” when they did, or the world would never have known such amazing comedy!

I’m not going to get into the debate already raging on the other blog on whether this piece is right, wrong, who it offends, how it offends and the like. I’m more interested in the essence behind the argument.

So where do we draw the line between insightful, artistic and genius creations meant to force us to contemplate life and probe at it’s very meaning and plain, down right insulting items meant for nothing more than to hurt and offend people?

Do we have to draw the line at all? What would happen to, say, the BNP (forgive me if you’re outside of Britain) if everyone who read their racist leaflets and thought “poor deluded fools”, threw them away and forgot all about the BNP? They’d cease to exist. These types of people who are out to hurt and offend feed off peoples reactions. If they don’t get a reaction, they will simple fade away.

We need to stop over-reacting to every little thing. Muslims need to stop calling for Jihad on everyone who disagrees with the Koran. Jews need to stop feeling the victim (yes, I know you have been for centuries) and thinking everyone is out to get them. Christians need to stop thinking they have all the answers and that they’re superior.

We should all just agree to disagree. Failing that, do away with religion TOTALLY! That way, no bugger is right or wrong.

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